
Menampilkan postingan dari 2022

An Opportunity

Hi Everyone, back with me Arina at Digital Diary! My journey as a product designer is not always smooth. I’ve tried to apply for an internship as a product designer/UI-UX designer starting in the 3rd semester. Every day I hunted a job seeker account and apply almost 20 jobs each day but nothing results. At that time I almost wanted to give up because none of the companies I applied for work did not call me for an offering letter. And it always ends at the interview stage. But my prayers have finally been answered. Suddenly, my cell phone rang from a number not listed in my contacts. After I picked it up, it turned out that one of the financial company I had applied called me. I was invited for an interview that same day. Finally, I got an interview and did the case study that was given. The next day I was invited to another interview to talk about the offering letter, salary agreement, working hours, etc. It's really nice. ---//--- A week has passed since the last interview, but th

Beginning my career as a Product Designer at Mentor Inc.

Hi Everyone, back with me Arina at My Digital Diary! Time flies very fast! More or less 426 days (and it’s still counting) of my journey as a Product Designer at Mentor Inc. I joined on July 8th, 2021 when I was in the fifth semester.  Mentor Inc. was the place where I grew up and improved my skill. I’ve been with Mentor Inc. since before it became a PT and there were only 3 interns at that time. I am so beyond grateful to have been part of this history. You know, every process is not always smooth, there will be ups and downs, but I was able to get through it all. Because the environment is too fun and enjoyable.   I wanna say massive thanks to Mas Aldi and Mas Armand (I still remember when he sent me a message and gave me an opportunity to join this incredible team. And when the interview process, I have a colliding schedule but I still present my portfolio even though my position was in the security post. It was a really unforgettable moment to me). I am so honored to be trusted an

4 Steps to learn Product Design

Hi Everyone, back with me Arina at My Digital Diary! I never believe it, I have begun my career to being a Product designer. Some of my friends asked me: ‘How can it be?’ ‘What are the steps to learn Product Design?’ That’s the common question when I met them. So, I would like to share about it based on my experience. First thing first, you have to know the reason : ‘Why do you want to be a product designer?’   ‘What has motivated you?’ Apakah karna kamu memang suka dengan mendesign?  Apakah karna memang kamu suka untuk solve problem?   Cari tau alasan kamu kenapa Product Design?   Kenapa ga yang lain?   Ngobrol sama diri kamu sendiri. And If you did and knew the answer, it will make you more spirit rather than you don’t know anymore. The second one is START .   Start to design at a platform that you are comfortable with. I suggest using FIGMA. Figma is a platform with a website based, so it won’t take a lot of your memory on your device.   I highly recommend you learn from Youtube and

Terima Kasih

Dear Allah, Terima kasih untuk ketenangan hati yang selalu ada, Terima kasih untuk sabar yang begitu luas, Terima kasih untuk selalu meleburkan hati ku ketika ia keras,  Terima kasih untuk kesehatan yang selalu Kau titipkan, Terima kasih atas segala kenikmatan yang Kau beri, Terima kasih atas segala rizki baik Mu, Kuat kan aku selalu, Bersamai dan dekaplah aku dimanapun aku menjajaki bumi Mu, Jangan Kau lepaskan aku, karna sungguh aku tak akan sanggup menjalani ini sendiri tanpa diri Mu. Kediri, 2022                                                       

Why Product Designer?

Hi everyone, back with me Arina di My Digital Diary! I just remember a sentence, "At the heart of every product person there's a desire to make someone's life easier" “Di hati setiap seorang produk, ada niat yang kuat untuk membuat hidup orang lain lebih  mudah”, begitulah ucapan Francis Brown yang sampai saat ini kalimat tersebut menjadi  motivasi gue dalam berkarier di dunia produk. Product designer bukan hanya satu bidang. Ini adalah kombinasi dari hampir semua bidang. And did you know?! The journey to becoming a designer can be  stressful. We have to learning all the methods, tools, processes, developing good taste and a good eye. Once the designs are done, we will not stop there. It will continue on and on. Iterating a design many times to get things right. It takes time a nd that's precisely.  That's why, before becoming a product designer we have to know the reason, 'why do you want to be a Product Designer?'. Personally, I have motivated

I hope I don't fall in love with you!

Harusnya kita ga temanan dari awal. Harusnya kita dulu ga perlu chat ya. Harusnya gue ga perlu menyukai pertemanan kita yg ini. Harusnya kita ga nyambung. Harusnya kita ga perlu menciptakan obrolan-obrolan menyenangkan itu. Harusnya lo jangan jadi teman baik gue. Harusnya pertemanan ini ga ada. Harusnya kita bisa lebih dari ini. Karena, semua yg lo rasain ke gue, dan yg gue rasain ke lo, lebih dari itu. Gue ga tau, kapan perasaan ini datang. Karena ketika perasaan ini mau datang, gue selalu denied dan berusaha menyibukkan diri. I just can't falling in love with you. Everytime you smile at me. Everytime you text me just to make sure im home. Everytime you laugh at my jokes. Idk, i want all those just for me. I know it sounds selfish and annoying. Sorry. I hope I dont fall in love with you!


Hi semua! Back with me 'Arina' di My Digital Diary! Memasuki notice periode, gue menyadari satu hal, bahwa gue sudah memasuki 1thn berkarier sebagai designer. Ga pernah terpikirkan sedikit pun gue bakal terjun ke dunia ini. Ada banyak hal yg gue belum tau tentang dunia produk design secara skillset maupun teori dan juga dunia perbisnisan duniawi. Gue sadar, ilmu gue masih kurang banget, terlebih gue hanya bermodal baca dari medium dan beberapa sumber. Ga pernah ikut bootcamp or anything like others. You know, it's pricey. Sampai sekarang gue bertanya-tanya ke diri gue sendiri, "Am I good enough? Will I be able to provide the best thing to my company or client or all my stakeholders or whatever who are need my help as a designer? Will my decision (when I'm designing) may help me from business need?" Sometimes I feel scared, exhausted, ashamed, insecure, all those toxic feeling combine into my mind! Mungkin ini lagi di fase imposter syndrome.  Mungkin gue butuh