
Blue in June

Kekecewaan hadir karena ekspektasi dan kenyataan yang jomplang. Apalagi manajemen ekspektasi masih menjadi barang langka, tidak terkecuali pada pelayanan kesehatan. Apa yang akan dikompromi jika dibayar murah? Tentunya dari pelayanannya. Ini kali pertama keluarga gue pake BPJS. Kecewa? Banget.  8x dibuat muter2 pindah rumah sakit karena sistem BPJS yang merepotkan.  2x rumah sakit menolak karna alat gak lengkap.  Dan 4x dokter melakukan USG di rumah sakit yg berbeda dengan hasil analisa penyakit yang berbeda juga.  Ada yg bilang kanker rahim. Miom. Kanker usus. Sampai terakhir pemeriksaan, dokter bilang TBC perut.  Kok bisa? Mana yang benar?  Gue pun juga ga tau.  Dan setiap pernyataan dokter masih diikuti kata “kayaknya” seolah-olah juga ga yakin dengan omongannya. Bagaimana bisa orang sakit penyakit nya berubah ubah dalam waktu 1 bulan?  Bagaimana bisa gue yakin sama ucapannya klo masih ada kata 'kayaknya' ditiap penjelasan.  Dokternya bingung, kita yang orang awam juga jadi

Hidden Gem in Tulungagung, Jawa Timur

Hi everyone, back with me, Arina, di my digital diary! This trip was  a version of ibu-ibu komplek who want to healing to the  beach.  Para Bitj Go To Bitj hahah.. I don't know why I really BM to go to the beach and camping there. Because previously, I've been camping in the highlands, now I want to try camping in the lowlands which is the beach. Finally, I got a recommendation from my friend to go to Sanggar beach, located in Tulungagung, East Java. Many people said it was hidden paradise! So, lets see!! ----;;---- At 1.00pm Due to the trip was for girls, we were a bit worried if we leave at night, so we dicided to depart at 1pm.  The trip was approximately 2.45 hours. Along the way there were lots of dramas HAHAH Drakor mah lewat!  In the middle of the way, my friends separated. Finally, we had to stop for a long time and wait for them to gather again.  The route was very surprising and unpredictable. S uddenly there's a ravine to the right and left!  We asked passing res

What a beauty New Year's Eve 2023!!!

Hi, back with me, Arina, di My Digital Diary! Crazy excited to tell y’all about my new year’s eve. It was such memorable moment that I’ve never tried before. In last December, means December 31st 2022, My friends and I decided to camp in Anak Kaki Gunung Wilis, Jawa Timur. Fyi, Anak Kaki Gunung Wilis has a height of 1500mdpl, so it is quite safe for beginner. We prepared only 7 hours and start to go at 8pm. It such a random, fast, and super crazy trip!!! We rent some tents, bought some meals, and riding to go there. Riding from the boarding house to the camping site was approximately 2 hours. It was quite extreme because both sides of the forest and roads were very quiet, even though it was New Year's Eve. Fortunately, the trip went smoothly and there were no problems at all. —;;— At 10.00pm Arriving at the campsite, everything was really full. Actually, I was a bit worried that we won't get a place, because we are not prepared and haven't made a reservation. But luckily ag

Rainbow Soon

Hi back with me Arina di My Digital Diary! Sebenernya aku ga tau mau nulis apa, tpi ada hal yang pingin banget aku ceritakan di sini. Dari hasil merantau 4 bulan kemarin, aku bertemu sama Dia, panggil aja Nail. Nail adalah orang pertama yang aku temuin dan menjadi teman sekamar ku di Kos saat itu. Aku pikir Nail ini anak yang sangat ceria, hidupnya dipenuhi kebahagiaan. Ternyata aku salah total. Dari Nail aku belajar banyak hal. Belajar untuk terus sabar dan iklas, belajar untuk jadi perempuan tangguh, belajar bahwa ternyata berharap sama manusia adalah hal terbodoh, dan itu memang benar. Nail mengidap bipolar. Dia akan melukai dirinya sendiri kalo dia sedang merasa hancur dengan hidupnya. Sering banget aku lihat tangannya dipenuhi handsaplas. Aku khawatir banget. Bener-bener khawatir kalo dia sudah melakukan hal itu. Tapi aku ga tau harus berbuat apa. Ternyata di balik muka yang ceria nya, ada banyak kesedihan yang ia pendam. Mulai dari masalah keluarga, hubungannya, pertemanannya, se

What a remarkable journey 2022!

2022 has not been easy. Semakin dewasa aku semakin berusaha meyakini bahwa tidak ada yang selamanya, termasuk juga kehadiran orang-orang disekitarku. Jika orang itu datang di kehidupanku maka ada saatnya dia juga akan pergi meninggalkanku, entah diriku siap atau tidak, dan aku yakin sampai kapanpun aku ga pernah siap akan hal itu, terutama ditinggalkan oleh orang terdekat dengan ku. Actually, I hate this phase.  Pada akhirnya aku harus menerima bahwa seseorang yang hadir di hidup ku  tidak bisa selamanya berada di sisi ku. Mereka dihadirkan untuk menemani ku menjalani kehidupan, tetapi ada juga yang di hadirkan hanya sekedar memberi pelajaran hidup. Di sini lah aku, di desa Tulungrejo, Kediri. Banyak pelajaran yang aku dapatkan setelah menetap selama 4 bulan. Bertemu teman baru dari Sabang-Merauke dengan berbagai background dan tujuan yang berbeda. Amat sangat terhormat bagi ku, sudah diberi kepercayaan untuk mendengar banyak cerita yang mereka tidak ingin cerita kan kesembarang orang,

An Opportunity

Hi Everyone, back with me Arina at Digital Diary! My journey as a product designer is not always smooth. I’ve tried to apply for an internship as a product designer/UI-UX designer starting in the 3rd semester. Every day I hunted a job seeker account and apply almost 20 jobs each day but nothing results. At that time I almost wanted to give up because none of the companies I applied for work did not call me for an offering letter. And it always ends at the interview stage. But my prayers have finally been answered. Suddenly, my cell phone rang from a number not listed in my contacts. After I picked it up, it turned out that one of the financial company I had applied called me. I was invited for an interview that same day. Finally, I got an interview and did the case study that was given. The next day I was invited to another interview to talk about the offering letter, salary agreement, working hours, etc. It's really nice. ---//--- A week has passed since the last interview, but th

Beginning my career as a Product Designer at Mentor Inc.

Hi Everyone, back with me Arina at My Digital Diary! Time flies very fast! More or less 426 days (and it’s still counting) of my journey as a Product Designer at Mentor Inc. I joined on July 8th, 2021 when I was in the fifth semester.  Mentor Inc. was the place where I grew up and improved my skill. I’ve been with Mentor Inc. since before it became a PT and there were only 3 interns at that time. I am so beyond grateful to have been part of this history. You know, every process is not always smooth, there will be ups and downs, but I was able to get through it all. Because the environment is too fun and enjoyable.   I wanna say massive thanks to Mas Aldi and Mas Armand (I still remember when he sent me a message and gave me an opportunity to join this incredible team. And when the interview process, I have a colliding schedule but I still present my portfolio even though my position was in the security post. It was a really unforgettable moment to me). I am so honored to be trusted an